5-12Youth Programs

Sunday School
Sunday School will be the traditional environment. Students will engage in an icebreaker activity and proceed with a Bible lesson or related material.
Students may be expected to read material outside of class to prepare for the following week.
Students may also have occasional weekly assignments related to current lesson content.
Youth Group
The highschool group will meet on an agreed upon weekday evening and will have a more laid-back environment similar to a bible study group.
The materials we use will still be biblical, but will be especially relevant to the questions and trials high schoolers face.
On Sundays during Sunday School: The high-schoolers will not have a class to attend, but will instead be expected to take on more leadership roles. That could be volunteering during and/or after service like running the sound board, participating in the worship team, assisting as a teacher-aide, cleaning the church, etc. Roles will be discussed and decided between youth leadership and children/parents.

All together now
The youth will have regular get-togethers ranging from game nights, cookouts, hangouts, lock-ins, parties and bashes, bowling nights, etc. These will be for all ages 5-12.
Fundraisers for the 5-12 youth will be one of two varieties.
General Fundraiser: All funds will go toward the youth budget.
Camp Fundraisers: Funds will be tracked either collectively or individually to go toward upcoming camp costs.
Current projected camp:
Interested in joining?
Please click here to fill out our Youth Registry form.

Communion Breakfast
In order to practice hospitality, the culminating principle of all Biblical teaching, the students of the 5-12 youth program host a quarterly communion breakfast either to occur after the service or to replace the typical worship service. Students are expected to assist in all tasks necessary for making the breakfast a positive experience for everyone involved, whether that is by helping cook the food, being attentive to the church member’s needs, offering to refill drinks, helping people to their seats, and offering scripture readings during the breakfast.